Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week

Hi Keesha!
Here are the top 3 posts for you on Google+ this week.
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"I saw the cop lift up the baby. When I look at the photos, I cry. The baby was screaming."

Freelance photographer Bill Hoenk was on hand to document the chaos following the second explosion at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. His photograph of a Boston police officer carrying a wounded child is the cover image of TIME's digital edition, a special report on the tragedy in Boston.

Read more: http://ti.me/17F3rQx
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The Force of Nature by Lorenzo Quinn
Installed in Berkeley Square in London, England.

Source: goo.gl/GLnT7
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*To All The Women In My Life - Please Watch This*

In this very touching YouTube by Dove, women were brought into a room and an FBI sketch expert drew them based on how they described themselves... "big forehead, pointy chin, etc" Then people they just met were asked to describe them. The two drawings side by side clearly showed how some Women today tend to be their own harshest critic.

I created +Girlfriend Social - http://www.girlfriendsocial.com -  5 years ago, because women often feel isolated and...
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